Way TOO cute pic of Hawger :)
Last week was very very rough, in the finance dept, in the marriage dept. But things are better today, I watched Matthew Hagee (tv preacher John Hagee's son, now apparently a tv preacher also!) I get SO MUCH everytime I watch this young man he is ON FIRE! I took FOUR PAGES of notes and ONLY CAUGHT THE LAST 15 MIN lol. I am actually considering ordering this series from him, let me find a link... hmm I cant find it on their site :( Maybe its that new. Anyways it was about finding your purpose and doing your purpose, and it was just spot on for me :) Love it when that happens. Last week was horrible but today is a new day a new week and God's mercies are new every day.
I have a full week, today my older two have adhd med checkups and tomorrow therapy for Lovey & ladies Bible study at night. Wed. I have a house to clean, Thurs. is Lovey's trip to our state capital which I am still leery of whether I want to go or not (10 hr round trip on a school bus!). Fri. is a half day for the bigger ones and Hawger has no school and that starts spring break, no school til Mar. 26! Time is flying by so fast :) Easter is coming up, I LOVE celebrating Easter at church, I love the songs I love the message its awesome :) I got up this a.m. and had NO COFFEE it apparently never made it home from wal-mart! I'M JONESIN FOR SOME JOE! I made me some hot cocoa but that didnt even begin to scratch my caffeine itch LOL. Lovey got baptized last night :) My boys are all getting so big. Here are a couple of somewhat blurry pics, btw the HEATER on the baptistry is BROKEN so it was COLD there were 5 kids in all got "dunked" last night and we got tickled hearing them GASP when they got in the water lol. Proud momma moment you see here :)
In other news my sweet Rob and Amber got Philiminated last night on Amazing Race :*( I LOVEEEE them and hate to see them go. I dont really have a team I am necessarily pulling for now. I like Terri and Ian more this time around, I dont think Uchenna and Joyce need to win again. Hmm I dunno we'll see. Anyways, Rob and Amber have this really stupid show on FX or something where he is trying to be a pro poker player, I cant even watch it for their sake LOL its THAT dumb. Have a good week :) xoxo melzie
70 degree days
God speaking to me
I was rooting for Rob and Amber too! Although he *is* kinda conceited, but a gracious loser! My favorites now are Eric and Danielle.
Congratulations to Lovey on making the baptismal decision, in spite of the broken water heater.
I'm sure that you were supposed to catch that 15 minutes of the show, and even if you don't hear the rest, you got the message God had for you. =)
That's one thing I love about the DVR (like TiVO, sort of). We tape things all the time and then I can watch over and over, until I get it. =)
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