Welcome to my little corner of blogland! This is the only sane spot I can come in my crazy life! :) Here I share my sometimes funny sometimes NOT-day to day insanity I call my life, along with my sweet wooly hubby & all our boys :)

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.

Henry David Thoreau

Monday, March 05, 2007


5 years
9 years
One seems so short, one so long.

5 years ago Hawger was an anniversary gift to us. We had debated long and hard over having another child after Lovey's special needs. But momma knows when her heart is missing one of its pieces, even one not yet met. So he came to us. Hubby has an older son who he raised and I helped raise the 2nd half of his childhood. He has behavioral/emotional problems that were and are ongoing (but he has since moved out). Wildchild has ADHD and let me emphasize the HHHHH part of it. Then Lovey, who has his disabilities and ADD on top of that. I know that Hubby just had a hard time imagining where a baby would fit into that mix :) But along came Hawger and then...then I see the gift God gave me of healthy chubby legs, long attention spans, this little (ok not so little lol) BOY who is let me tell you ALL BOY he loves cars and frogs and spongebob and he is just the little ray of sunshine that keeps me going when life gets me down. He is a GIFT straight from GOD and I cannot imagine our lives without him. I hugged him last night and said "lets stay up all night and then you can stay 4 forever!" he said "MOOOOOOOM"

And yes today is my 9th wedding anniversary! Hubby was married before and is 11 yrs older than me. We had a very rocky start to our relationship (due primarily to my immaturity). I had Lovey and then we broke up for almost 2 yrs. But God wouldnt let either of us get the other out of our hearts and minds and brought us back together again. I cannot imagine my life without him, he is my rock, my absolute security blanket. I take him for granted, I take stuff out on him, we fight like cats and dawgs LOL but I love every minute good and bad. And in the last year or so of seeing his relationship with God mature, omigosh, that is some heady stuff watching the man you love grow and serve the Lord. THAT is true love :) I look forward to each chapter of our lives together and I love the security of his unconditional love :)
xoxo melzie


Pam said...

Happy Anniversary! And Happy Birthday to Hawger!

It is so special to find the right person for you and build a life together. Enjoy the day.

Kim West said...

Happy Anniversary to you Melzie - and Happy birthday to Hawger.

Lisa said...

Happy Anniversary to the two of you! Jack and I will have 12 years under our belts on March 18th. *Grin*

Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! Yes, i said sweet... Don't let him know it! *LOL*

May your family enjoy MANY happy more! :o)

Susan said...

What a great post, Mel. Happy anniversary, a few days late. I haven't caught up with my life since we got to Texas. =)

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this post Mel!! 5 of my 7 kids are adopted and my youngest lives with ADD. I don't deal with the HHHH but since I substitute teach, and have had foster kids with the big H factor I see how hard it is.Wonderful that you deal with it all so cheerfully. I can totally relate to you knowing that there was one more child waiting for your family. I felt that way before our youngest came into our family. He completes us all and is the sweetest guy. My husband grew in his walk with the Lord after we married and I have loved seeing the changes. Arn't we such blessed women??? Happy Anniversary!!
Love, Aunt Jenny