Welcome to my little corner of blogland! This is the only sane spot I can come in my crazy life! :) Here I share my sometimes funny sometimes NOT-day to day insanity I call my life, along with my sweet wooly hubby & all our boys :)

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.

Henry David Thoreau

Friday, December 01, 2006

Kittens :)

They are 3 wks 2 days old. They'll be six and a half weeks on Christmas :) What a nice coincidence LOL

Im very partial to this little tabby

The grey one seems very friendly

See my "rag basket" in the background? I also have a heart (wall thing) and an upright taller basket type thing.

Thanks for looking! xoxo melzie Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

LOVE rag baskets! I think we must have a lot in common! *Smile*

Okay, let's dish...
For some odd reason, this has ben my least favorite season of Survivor. It was really hard for me to feel "related" to any of the players. I finally decided to root for Cao Boi... He is quite the character, yes? *LOL*
The whole Adam and Candace thing made me want to hurl. Rob and Amber they are NOT! I was happy to see that be over! Adam, as a player, to me, is blah. So are Sundra and Becky. I have known too many women like Parvati... *Yuck* So that leaves Yul, Ozzy and Jonathon. Jonathon's behavior makes my flesh crawl... Ozzy is the underdog, and Yul, although my favorite player at this time, I don't think will win. He is too nice. This will cause him trouble in this game. *Chuckle* My guess would be that Ozzy will take it all! ;o)

Nancy said...

Kittens at this age are such a delight to watch. :-) So full of curiosity and adventure.

Susan said...

Babies of any kind are so cute. These look darling. If I lived next door, I'd beg for the little stripey-looking one.

Anonymous said...

The kittens are too cute!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOVED seeing your kittens! I could take the little peach colored one if you like..... The most irresponsible thing we ever did was have an unspayed cat who had not one, not two, but THREE litters of four each. It was SO much fun and we were able to find homes for them . . .. Irresponsible, nonetheles.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Such fun! What a mixed batch!

Angela said...

The kitties AND the kidlets are cute stuff.