I didnt interface this one. I made the straps too long BUT they can drape all the way across my shoulders, will be good for flea-marketing. I was stricktly doing a practice run, so used ugly rough fabric. Took me about 4 hrs, but like I said it is not interfaced. No pockets or closure. Want to see it modeled?

ROFL yes wildchild VOLUNTEERED to model it for you :D Hawger cheerfully looking on ;-) Thanks to LauraJ and Susan and Randi for all the encouragement. BIG HUGE X'S AND O'S TO ALL melzie

That is AWESOME! Ugly fabric? I think it's pretty! *LOL*
I see not one smidgen of ugly in that fabric! Cute model and cuter accessory (Hawger-rofl-what a grin!)
Are you turning into a purse-making machine, Melz? It is quite cute--great job!
Your son is such a great sport! A couple of cuties, for sure!
Alright! Looking good. Were you doing this without a pattern? That fabric isn't really ugly, just needs the right accompaniment. =)
You're right the bag will be great for flea markets! Your boys are so cute.
Looks good!
Now you need to make some in 'guy' colors, and call them Newspaper Boy bags or something else macho... lol
Good job even it was a trial run! Cute kids too though I thought they most ran at the sight of a camera. AND what cute kitties in the previous post!
Looks good! I can see it becomig a favorite!! I didn't think I would be so attached to the one that is now my favorite. It is one that is rather ugly - sort of Indian blanket style but not quite. Has no lining and the straps are too short BUT I bought it at the local senior center during their craft sale. One of the senior citizens made it and its MINE!!
Hiya Melz! Long time no "see"! I just found your blog again. I think the purse is great, and the boys are awfully cute, too!
i LOVE your bag! I have been wanting to make a quilted bag for some time now! I think i should wait till after the Christmas gifts are made, but....I talked to a customer at work, she had a marvelous quilted bag! she told me she made it from a pattern and fabric she got at Joann's. The patterns go on sale this weekend! :oD
CUTE tote! Love it!
God bless :)
The tote seems me Ok! The boys very OK;)))))
Have to great day,Melzie!
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