I am also conducting an experiment of sorts, all I have is one glass loaf pan and one metal. After the bread is cool I'll let you know which pan was better ;) The glass one rose up higher and feels a bit fluffier to the touch. I'd offer the recipe up but you have to have a starter!
Tomorrow I am having two ladies from church over for lunch. We will have grilled chicken and salad, maybe a baked potato. Its a shame I couldnt have waited to bake a loaf of this until tomorrow! But one of the girls is expecting and her midwife MIL has her off ALL yeast products until further notice.
Well God has answered another prayer today and I have to share :) We are pinching pennies for this Christmas. We have older video games that play on Ninteno 64, Playstation 1 and Super Nintendo, but all the of the game systems dont work anymore. Also Lovey, with his special needs has to spend about 1.5 hrs in the bathroom every night, I use to have a tv in my sewing room for him to watch or play games on etc, well the tv went out also. So my specific prayer was for these used game systems above and a used tv. Well I put the word out and my friend Jill in PA sent me a Playstation, and Friday night I am picking up a 13" (or bigger she wasnt for sure) tv off my local freecycle group! So I am super happy over that, I'd still like to find a N64 and/or a Super Nintendo but I'll be content even if not. They are available on ebay but sometimes cheap is still too expensive kwim? So praises all around :D Yay yay and yay :D xoxo melzie

I can smell it from here! *MMM*
Thank you for sharing your story of answered prayers. Ain't God good? *Smile*
Psst... Yes, I mooed for awhile... *LOL*
Cute, very cute... Thanks man!
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With best regards...
It smells good. I can’t wait to hear the rest of your research result. This made me hungry.
Love the new blog look. May be asking you for some help if and when Blogger decides I'm good enough for Beta.
Sorry I can't help on the Nintendo, Playstation and t.v front. D.D doesn't have the former ones and we gave away our last ancient t.v this summer - wouldn't have worked anyway LOL.
Happy baking.
Oh YUMMMM, I can smell it here in northeast TN too!! What time should we be there tomorrow??? LOL So glad you've has some of those "things" taken care of. :)
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