Well first off let me show you my starting stitches at hand-sewing down the binding. This is my first hand sewing attempt, I am whipstitched before as this shows lol.

But then a funny thing happened. I accidentally learned to do this stitch. (buttonhole? Blanket stitch? I have no clue lol)

So I ripped out the earlier attempts and now the binding looks awesome (esp for a first timer lol)

Finished product. The baby is onlyyyyyyyyy 4 mos old LOLOL

And someone (sob..I cant find your post!) posted a little bag like the one I am using :) This is actually an avon thing, my mom gave to me for my yardsale! I snagged it right up :)
Prayers for me please I am having some woman pain, maybe a cyst of my ovary. :) Thanks..
A FINISH A FINISH A FINISH =) I am tickled pink.
Being freed up to move to something else ;)
A nice singing and dinner at my MIL's church today
800mg Ibuprofin
Kids off from school tomorrow = sleeping in!
xoxo melzie

Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)
Like the little bag! That'd be great for gift giving.
Melzie it was my little bag. It is 10.5 x 7.5 inches. It is small enough to take with me when I go out. Yours is cute too. Congrats on finishing the baby quilt - your blanket stitching looks great, very even.
Prayers for you today!
The quilt looks great--did you use flannel on the back? I can't tell from the photograph. Whatever you used it is very pretty.
Yes it is flannel :) thanks guys!
Great quilt. Such soft sweet colors.
Isn't it great to have a finish?
Like the bag.
You changed your page......
Thanks for the visit.
I've only made one quilt in my lifetime ... hmm, I might even have a photo online. Yes! http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a190/kwej/Quilt/
My bigger passion, lately, is knitting. But I share your enthusiasm for a finished product! :)
Yahooo on the finish! And OUCH on the pains! (((HUGS))) and prayers sent for relief from the pain soon.
I loved reading your blog!! The quilt show pics were great..as was your new blanket stitch!!!
I hope you are feeling much better soon...ow!
I love the little boat mini quilt. I LOVE to make those alot!! ( I recently did one in a Moda tin that was fun and cute too) They are hard to resist!!
I am finding as I get older (I just turned 48) that the older women working in quilt shops are more attentive. I probably have no more money to spend there than when I was in my 20's but that is how they are. If you go alot they will get to know you and be better I bet. Some people are just stinkers no matter what! You would think they would be thrilled with the younger gals!!!! Anyway....great work..fun to read your stuff and see your photos!
Great quilt, Melzie, and that's a much better binding stitch you figured out. Prayers, yes. Feeling better today?
P. S. I like the new look to your blog. That background you substituted is just perfect.
I hope your feeling better soon. Where would we be without our Ibuprofin?
Good vibes to your girly parts. I hope you are feeling well by now, and if not, why haven't you been to the doctor???? (taps foot waiting for answer)
The blankie looks great congratulations on finishing it. :)
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