Want to say a HUGE thank you to all who responded to my last post. I have been taking a little computer hiatus and trying to spend more time on important'er stuff and am feeling more calm and together. I am doing a great Bible study book by Joyce Meyer with a bloggy friend, "Battlefield of the Mind" and its helping me beat this depression big time :) I know God brings us through seasons for reasons but I am so thankful that for now this has held off.
Well I tried again to work on a tote bag and nope cant do it :/ its so hard lol. If I had someone showing me in person maybe, but written instructions or pictures dont help me, I need verbal and visual together apparently.
My friend came over and crocheted the same day I was finishing the binding on that baby quilt posted below, so while at walmart last night I just peeked at the yarn. Not a good thing lol when this same friend first started crocheting she taught me, and I bought over $200 worth of yarn and never finished a single solitary thing. I sold it all dirt cheap at a yardsale. So I bought ONE skein and a hook...

It might someday be a blanket but if not it will at least be a scarf :) at least I am thinking realistically LOL. But this is something mindless to work on when I dont want to dive in deep to sewing :) Its very soft!
Ok, well we have some pumpkins to carve this weekend, and I want to make some little trash bag hanging ghosties :) Have a great fall weekend, go outside and walk in the leaves (or SNOW LOL). xoxo melzie

I wish I had leaves or snow to walk in. :( We are still getting 80-95 degree days around here.
Mel, What tote where you making? I also have a hard time with patterns but once I see something step by step I can do it on my own....I love to take classes just for this reason...I like your yarn...My sister owns a yarn shop and I love to look at all the yarn but never have used any...Have a good weekend or end to the weekend...Toni
Glad you're feeling a little better - sometimes you have to put yourself first, cos if you don't, you might not be up to putting everyone else first. Then everyone loses. I have a crochet +/- rug underway that I have been working on for a few years. One day it will turn into something. I just do it for something to do.
I think I will be walking in the rain.
I love your little baby picture in your sidebar.
That wool would make a beautiful warm scarf. I love the rich brown colour.
I hope you feel better and better everyday. Big hugs.
Im glad you are snapping out melzie!
Make me a scarf!!!!
love you girlie
Thanks for the "welcome" to the blog. It has been so fun reading the many quilting blogs out there. Hope your day goes well!
Besides making trash bag ghosties from the white bags, you can also make SPIDEYS!
Just crumple newspaper to fill a big black leaf bag ... fill one corner with a LOT of paper... and the other with slightly less. Tie a rope or bit of twine between to section it off into a head and body.
The kids at the library really got into it, we rolled long spidey legs from a whole sheet of newspaper, then covered them with strips of more garbage bag... it sat on top of my filing cabinet and the legs had to hang off all around! Big white circles with black marker pupils made great staring eyes... lol
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