Welcome to my little corner of blogland! This is the only sane spot I can come in my crazy life! :) Here I share my sometimes funny sometimes NOT-day to day insanity I call my life, along with my sweet wooly hubby & all our boys :)

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.

Henry David Thoreau

Monday, December 11, 2006


Yes yes I know I am post happy today :) Now I might go like a week and not post any. Not a consistent blogger I guess lol. I almost forgot...

To show you the BEST FABRIC EVAH! I tell you what..I would have seriously have wrote a BAD CHECK if need be to have bought this. There is NO WAY I could have departed the store (Hancock's) without it. As Garth (Wayne's World) would say "it will be mine...oh yes, it will be mine" ;) I even told the manager THIS IS THE BEST FABRIC EVER. ROFL. Ok on with the pictures-

I swear I almost FELL OUT when I saw it.

Tell me true have you ever SEEN CUTER FABRIC?

There are 4 pictures on each yard panel, 2 cats and 2 owls.

Is there anything cuter than OWLS? I love them :)

WHO WHO WHO? ok carry on ;)


May Britt said...

I totally understand you HAD TO HAVE this fabric. Those owls are so cute, but the cats ....WOW.... because I LOVE cats. I love hem sitting there with their big round eyes.

Hedgehog said...

Love those owls!! Just made an owl last weekend! Any chance you could sned me the info from the selvage so I could try to hunt it down online? Thanks!

ForestJane said...

Ohh, the cats, the cats!

I spend my time looking for fabric with siamese cats. No tabbies on there, no calico cats, just siamese. :)

Clare said...

That sure was a must have! I love it.

The Calico Cat said...

Thanks for the big tease.... LOVE IT

Anonymous said...

I dont' blame you at all - that is really wonderful fabric! Are you going tomake something from it or just fondle it and gaze upon it's coolness.


PS. Blogger isn't letting me sign in to beta this morning - how odd.

Randi said...

Too cute! My daughter loves owls so I will have to come back later and show her this!

Mama Heffalump said...

That fabric is ADORABLE! *Who*

Susan said...

That is really cute fabric. Now what? =)

Love the Christmas pics, too.

Doodlebug Gail said...

Cute and thank you for sharing - the cats would be my favourite. BTW saw your photo's of your real cats and OMG how cute they are! What fun you must be having in your house with those little babies.

Jenni said...

Hi Melzie, it looks a bit like a Japanese fabric with the owls and the panels. I can see why you *had* to have it. Oh to be able to go INTO Hancocks...