Welcome to my little corner of blogland! This is the only sane spot I can come in my crazy life! :) Here I share my sometimes funny sometimes NOT-day to day insanity I call my life, along with my sweet wooly hubby & all our boys :)

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.

Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dont let me ::cough cough:: breathe on you!

Tis the season alright. I am sooooooooooo sick. Chills, fever, head, chest, nose etc. I wish you all a very HEALTHY holidays in whatever way you see fit to celebrate. Happy Birthday Jesus!
xoxo melzie


Randi said...

Hi sweetie,

I hope are feeling better by now! We have the stomach flu here in our house (aarghh!) and I am hoping it is just about done!

Merry Christmas dear friend!

Grim Reality Girl said...

I hope you are feeling better now too! Merry Christmas!!!!!

Simonetta said...

Hi Melzie,have a great time of Christmas,for you and your family!!!

Mama Heffalump said...

Hope you are soon feeling better! *Hugs-from-a-distance* ;o)

Shelina said...

Melzie, I hope you had a good Christmas and are feeling better now so that you can enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

Clare said...

Hi Melzie

Christmas greetings from London. Hope you have got over the sniffles and speak again when I get back to France

Anonymous said...

Oooh well I hope you're feeling better now! We had that same thing here, though we were "lucky" to not come down with it until after Christmas was over.

Happy HEALTHY New Year!
God bless :)

Susan said...

So, it's been days! How are you feeling? Hope the cold is gone and you are going to have a great new year!