But we're leaving early in the a.m. :)

He was tickled over his gifts

He got some tech deck skateboards, a laser light, and a weird feeling undershirt thing thats all the rage

I cant believe he's 13 =/ time sure has flown by. He is sooooooo annoying LOL but that decreases as he matures. He's also at that stinky boy stage but I know he'll discover girls soon and pay more attention. (hopefully lol). He has a heart for God and that means everything. Love you big boy :)
Happy turkey day all, xoxo melzie

Awesome pictures, mom! Happy Birthday to your Wildchild! *Smile*
~*~Happy Thanksgiving!~*~
He looks pretty happy! Time will go even faster now than it did before.
Hope the trip is/was great!
Happy belated Birthday to Wild Child and safe travels.
Happy Birthday (fully fledged into Teenagehood!!)
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Quilting. This bloglines is being difficult - I am going to have to get another system I guess. I will check back more often.
Pam's Pages as I think I have to post anonymous for this to work.
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